Tagged: “#public”
הדף היומי
סיכומי דפי הדף היומי. הסיכומים הינם בקיצור נמרץ ומכילים בעיקר מסקנות היוצאות מן הדף
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Hello I'm Yaki Kimhi, and you can read about me right here
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Supplier Assessment
Supplier Assessment # home/Open University/ERP/Purchasing Supplier Assessment # private/Main - Supplier Assessment.htm private/Main - Algorithm.htm list from HOME and Open University and ERP and ...
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Purchasing # home/Open University/ERP General # list from HOME and Open University and ERP and Purchasing and !Supplier Assessment הערכת ספקים # list from HOME and Open University and ERP and ...
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ידע מקצועי וכללי # home DEVOPS # list title from #devops and "General" Other # list from (Professional or #professional ) and !(#devops) SORT file.mtime...
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ERP # home/Open University Purchasing # Other # table file.mtime as "Last Update" from HOME and Open University and ERP and !Purchasing SORT file.mtime...
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APEX # home/Open University Main infrastructure configuration title: Infrastructure table file.mtime as "Last Update" from #infrastructures or #Infrastractures or #infrastructure or...
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Energix - Presentation Budget Management
חלופה 1 - ניהול תקציב מהספר הראשי # הסבר # ניהול באמצעות ארבעה מימדים: חברה משלמת, מרכז עלות, חשבון, פרוייקט. למימדים הללו נצרף את המימד הנוסף - תת חשבון. כל צירוף של חמשת המימדים הללו ירכיב...
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Energix - Kofax Test Meeting
כללי # שמעון הציג למשתמשים את פעולת המערכת. שרון התנסתה במערכת והדגימה תהליך טעינה מלא של חשבונית. בוצעו מספר דוגמאות של הזנת חשבוניות ודחיפתן למערכת דרך הממשק. הוגדרו שתי תיבות דואר אלקטרוני לעיבוד...
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Energix - Invoices Approval Process Issues
Issues in the
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Oracle Fusion - Oracle CSS
Team # Georgina - TAM - Principal accounting manager Elena - Delivery director manager of Georgina Sudarsh - Delivery leader - Financial and procurement - SCM Chetan - Procurement !Pasted image...
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Oracle Fusion - How to Customize BPM Notification
geek-bench.com How to customize the BPM Notifications in Oracle Fusion Cloud # But before we begin, let's understand Why is this option needed ? This is because there are many BPM Notifications which...
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Oracle Fusion - Enterprise Contract Management
Summary # This video guides on creating contract templates in Oracle Fusion, covering four scenarios: from scratch, from an existing template, from an existing contract, and creating a new...
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Oracle Fusion - Disable Auto Dismiss
How to make the auto dismiss less often so that the notifications will not disappear
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Oracle Fusion - How to Retrieve Custom Object Data
This Document will show you how to retrieve the information nedded when making SQL Predicates on Custom Objects. You will learn the needed SQL Queries to find out where custom fields and custom...
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Oracle Fusion - Import Commitment Costs to Project
Essential actions for the commitments to be imported to the project module
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Oracle Fusion - SQL Query for Business Units
Oracle Fusion SQL Query returning the data of Business units
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Oracle Fusion - SQL Query for Requisitions
Oracle Fusion SQL Query returning the data from Requisitions - Lines and distributions
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Oracle Fusion - How to Deal with MAX OPEN PERIOD Error Message
When you try to open Costing Period and you get an error message The period cannot be opened. (CST-2385103) <br>**Cause** Number of open periods already reached maximum permissible of...
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Setup to Be Done for Enabling Integration
Important setup to be done when you want to allow integration and immediate receiving.
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Oracle Fusion - Query for Cost Center Manger
Cost Center manager details from an employee # If you have an employee and you need to know his cost center manager: SELECT peo.person_number employee_number, per_name.display_name ...
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Oracle Fusion - Mass Approve Notifications
For sure, it is tedious process to do it manually for 100 employees to go into the transaction console page and action the “Skip current assignment”. Here is a way to do it in a single...
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Orecle Fusion - Query for GL to Project Cost
AP # SELECT gjh.JE_HEADER_ID hdr_id, gjl.JE_LINE_NUM line_num, --xte.source_id_int_1, sql1.project, sql1.project_name, sql1.task, sql1.task_name, aia.INVOICE_ID...
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Oracle Fusion - Sync BIP Refresh Time
How to Disable Caching and Reduce Refresh Time for BIP Notifications and Print Reports? The BIP reports are saved in the server cache for a while (usually 24 hours). In order to call always the most...
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Oracle Fusion - Add Function to Navigator
Create sandbox # !Pasted image 20240304095436.png Configuration >> Sandboxes >> Create Sandbox !Pasted image 20240304095318.png Create and Enter Structures # !Pasted image...
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Orecle Fusion - Query for Data Access
SELECT gl.name Security_Context_Value, pr.role_name Role_Name, pu.username UserName, role.ACTIVE_FLAG , 'DATA ACCESS SET' Security_Context FROM fusion.FUN_USER_ROLE_DATA_ASGNMNTS...
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How to Stop Oracle Fusion Sending the Message Document (Purchase Order) Xxx Implemented
Go to the BPM Worklist. Click on your user name > Click Administration !Pasted image 20240104153949.png Task Configuration !Pasted image 20240104154033.png Search for...
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Oracle Fusion - About BIP and OTBI Reports
In Oracle Fusion, BIP (Business Intelligence Publisher) and OTBI (Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence) are two different reporting tools. They have different strengths and weaknesses, and the...
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Oracle Fusion - SOX Requirements
Oracle Fusion - Implementation and Maintenance The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) is a US federal law that sets certain requirements for public companies in order to ensure the accuracy and...
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Oracle Fusion - PP2 Test Plan
The Oracle Fusion procure to pay PP2 sessions should handle the following: Testing of the procure to pay (P2P) processes. This includes testing the requisitioning, approval, purchasing, receiving,...
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Oracle Fusion PP2 Procure to Pay
What PP2 sessions
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Oracle Fusion - Implementation Process - Cycles
Oracle Fusion - Implementation and Maintenance Oracle Fusion Implementation cycles are used to break down the implementation process into small and more manageable phases. This helps to ensure that...
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Oracle Fusion - Implementation and Maintenance
Dictionary for guides about implementation and maintenance of Oracle Fusion from the glasses of ERP Manager
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Oracle Fusion - How Much Sites You Need
Oracle Fusion - Implementation and Maintenance If your Oracle Fusion system is already stable and you are only doing small development work, then you can get away with having a single test/production...
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Mapping Proces
Explenation of the migration process for the IT team
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Changing the Search Definition of the Oracle Fusion Items
How to enable/disable the search definition of the items that require 3 letters
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Mattermost Application - Renew SSL Certificate of the Mattermost
Mattermost the open-source solution for the task management, as well as collaboration and sharing information for dev-team management. Here I'll show the step-by-step guide how to Renew certificate of the mattermost when it expires
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2022-12-25N2 - Adress Validation
about the adress needed fields per country
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Mattermost Application Deploy Using Nginx on AWS, Step by Step Guide
Mattermost the open-source solution for the task management, as well as collaboration and sharing information for dev-team management. Here I'll show the step-by-step guide to deploy it with ease and secure
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ERP - Creating an Encrypted Link
Create Oracle R12 encrypted link using the system GET_RUN_FUNCTION_URL function
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APEX - DB-Trigger that Creates New Profile in ERP
DB-Trigger that creates new profile in ERP for new app. later this profile will be in use for the Authoriation process
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APEX - Create a View Based on Web-Service
Week Of: 2022-09-18 22/09/2022 This can be good solution in case you want to aggregate data on the application side. This view is based on "live" data and not on synchronized. CREATE OR...
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APEX - Add Buttons to Interactive Grid
Week Of: 2022-09-18 22/09/2022 var myGrid = apex.region('ACTION_E').widget().interactiveGrid("getViews").grid; var $te = $(this.triggeringElement); var rowId =...
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Docker - API-Manager Wso2am
instalation of the API manager opensource using Docker
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How to create SSO from EBS to APEX based on web cookie
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Menu Entry in EBS that Redirect to APEX
How to create menu entry in EBS that redirect to APEX with global parameters
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Reset Workflow for PO,REQ,RELESE
Oracle-s datafix for Reset stucked workflow for PO,REQ,RELESE
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Fix Encumbrance Amount
Oracle-s datafix for fixing the encumbrance errors
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Docker - Shere Images Across Daemons
How to export your images to tar file and load it in other daemon
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Run Discoverer with Local NLS
How to set local and temporary NLS_LANG - just for the current run
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פרק 1 - מה זה Obsidian
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ORDS - Source Type Options
The source types options based on oracle documentations
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Obsidian Part 1 💎 What and Why
About Obsidian, markdown and the benefits of them for documentation and writing in general
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אימון ריצה - חזרות ארוכות
הסבר לגבי אימון חזרות ארוכות והתועלת בהם
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Obsidian - How to Set LTR Area Within RTL Note
How to set direction in some region of the document that is opposite the document's direction
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אימון ריצה מהירה
הסבר לאופן ביצוע ריצה מהירה בתוכנית אימונים ל-5K
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אימון ריצה - ספרינטים בעליה
הסבר לאופן ביצוע אימון ריצה בעצימות מקסימלית בעליה
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אימון ריצה - חזרות 200
הסבר לאופן ביצוע ריצת חזרות 200
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Obsidian 11ty Images
How to manage and include images to your site
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סף אנאירובי - Lactate Threshold
הסבר מופשט של מהות הסף האנאירובי (או סף חומצת חלב) לרצי מרחק ארוך)
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אימון ריצה - טמפו
הסבר על מטרת ואופן ביצוע אימון טמפו במסגרת תוכנית אימונים
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פרוטוקול מתיחות דינמיות לפני ריצה מהירה
תרגילי טווח תנועה מומלצים לביצוע לפני אימון מהירות או מרוץ
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פרוטוקול חימום לפני ריצה מהירה
איך לבצע חימום לפני ריצה מהירה במרוץ או באימון מהירות
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אימון ריצה - חזרות 400
הסבר לאופן ביצוע ריצת חזרות 400
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תוכנית אימונים - קמחישמהר
עמוד תוכנית האימונים הראשי
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My Regex Info
Some Regular-expressions (regex) to remember
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Curl Command
curl # noproxy # if you want to ignore the proxy server or other proxy: curl -i -k --noproxy '*'...
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About the APEX Runtime
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תיאור כללי של תהליך CI-CD בשרתי APEX
תיאור בקרת תצורה ושמירת גרסאות
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1. Overview # When working with the Linux command line, a common operation is checking if a string contains another substring. In this tutorial, we’ll look at several techniques to complete this task....
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About this blog # This knowledge base made for sharing useful information, tips and how-to guides about: DevOps, Running methodes, Daily Daf(דף יומי), System-architecture, Oracle ERP, Oracle Apex,...
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2022-02-17N1 - ניהול תצורה ב-APEX
תקציר שיטות ניהול GIT
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Azure Devops
2021-08-04 Azure Devops # home/Professional It can be handle using the Azure CLI # Build # title: Overall look at the directory structure This image shows a big-picture look at the directory...
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SED Linux Command
Week Of: 2022-01-30 2022-01-31 home/Professional SED Linux command # Sed is a Stream Editor used for modifying the files in unix (or Linux). Whenever you want to make changes to the file...
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2022-01-26 Programs # run Cygwin from CMD...
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2021-05-23 Scoop # home/ Professional Installation # from Power Shell window run: iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex --> Scoop Features | Installation | Documentation ...
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Markdown Basics
2021-05-23 Markdown Basics # home/ Professional PIP Install using proxy # pip install --proxy PyGithub pip install --proxy dohq-tfs st=>start:...
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Helm # home/ Professional 2021-04-25 Common Commands # Add repo helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable Updating repo. sync all helm charts info. helm repo update show you a list of all...
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2021-06-20 PIP # home/Professional Freeze # For list the existing installed packages pip freeze Install directory # #cd <directory> py -m pip install -r requirements.txt or pip install -r...
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SQLite Basics
Week Of: 2021-11-28 2021-11-30 home/Professional SQLite basics # Install # go to: Precompiled Binaries for Windows in: https://www.sqlite.org/download.html and download the file. locate the sqlite3...
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Week Of: 2021-11-21 2021-11-22 home/Professional The best document conversion that runs throu cli Pandoc examples # Geting the list of the supported input files: pandoc --list-input-formats Same for...
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הסבר על אלגוריתם RAFT
Week Of: 2021-11-14 2021-11-14 home/Professional RAFT # תיאור כללי # אלגוריתם שנועד לניהול Nodes כאשר רק אחד מהם הוא הראשי והאחרים הינם "עוקבים" המחשה של האלגוריתם: Raft...
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2021-10-03 ACL # home/ Professional ACL זה משמש כרשימת השרתים שניתן להתחבר אליהם ישירות מהDB. במדה ומעוניינים לגשת לאיזשהו שרות משרת אחר, יש להכניס את השרת ההוא לרשימת הACL. DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN...
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2021-08-10 Obsidian Admonition # home/Professional Adds admonition block-styled content to Obsidian.md, styled after Material for MkDocs Please note, as of 2.0.0, all admonitions must be prefixed with...
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2021-06-27 Git # home/Professional Pull # usually I try to pull MyObsidian and the error messege says something like: error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by...
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2021-06-27 Docker # home/Professional run # docker run -d \ -it \ --name myalpine \ --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/vol1,target=/user/vol1 \ --env...
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PO Create Quotation
2021-06-20 PO - Create Quotation using API # home/Professional Open University/ERP/Purchasing/Inititation Example of using an API for creating Quotation. can be used for any PO document. Insertion # ...
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Npm - Node Package Manager
2021-06-20 Npm - Node package manager...
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Mermaid to Images
How to convert mermaid chart into image file
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2021-06-06 PL-SQL # home/Professional Grant and Synonym # -- Synonym CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM apexrest.OP_APEX_BAKASHA_TRANSPORT FOR apps.op_bakasha_transport; -- Grant GRANT ALL ON...
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2021-05-23 Linux # home/ Professional Common Commands # To run some command in the background(Dockerd): sudo dockerd & To run xrdp (Remote desktop to the WSL): sudo systemctl status...
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Linux GUI
2021-05-23 Linux GUI # home/ Professional/Linux If you want to administer locally You can install the default Ubuntu desktop by executing the following: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop There are...
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2021-05-23 Terraform # home/Professional Installing # Windows users: Go to https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html Press 64-bit: Extract the zip file (you just downloaded). Move terraform.exe file to...
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2021-05-23 PuTTY # home/Professional PuTTY is a client program for the SSH on Windows OS. Windows PuTTY Installer # We recommend to download Windows Installer with PuTTY utilities as: Pageant (SSH...
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2021-04-25 K8s # home/Professional Scoop # A tool for pckage installation Helm # Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows developers and operators to more easily package, configure, and...
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16/05/2021 Helm # home/ Professional Installation # Installing via Scoop scoop install helm About helm # Helm is a tool for managing Charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes...
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Chart Museum
2021-04-25 ChartMuseum # home/ Professional About ChartMuseum # ChartMuseum is an open-source Helm Chart Repository server written in Go (Golang), with support for cloud storage backends,...
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